Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kannawidan Festival

Thw word "Kannawidan" is an Ilocano term for the word Inheritance. But it is popularly known as the festival of Ilocos Province which is the Kannawidan Festival. I believe that this focuses in the trade fair. Trading of products coming from different places which they consider as unique and can be just found in their places. Also, to show the culture and traditions of every place here in the province.
There were lots of contests just like Quiz bee, Poster-Slogan making, Pataray ti Kannawidan and many more that really called the attention of the people to join and gain experiences. There were also entertainers who came.They were Black Jack. Rufa Mee, John Pratts, Gladys Guevarra and other popular artists.
The only thing that made me feel satisfied in this event was the Miki of Batac. It was delicious. I have eaten and tasted Miki but that was different of them all. It was refreshing, heavy and affordable. One thing for sure is that I will never forget the taste of that Miki.
Moreover, this kind of event should be always practiced and never be forgotten because it improves the life of every person here in our beloved province.

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