Monday, February 14, 2011

My Dream, My Future

You can always dream even you are awake or sleeping. But the thing is, satisfaction can't be felt by you because it happened only in your own imagination not in your visualization. You are longing for that dream. You want it to be true. But how will it be? It is not simple to reach dreams but by striving hard, by being determined and by not losing hope taht dream would be yours and real. Work for your dreams.

I have a lot of dreams and aspirations in life. Yet, how can I be with it if I'm lazy? So that's it! W can only reach our aspirations if we work for it. If we can conceive our body can achieve. By doing the right things, nothing is impossible!

My dream is to become a successful doctor someday. I've heard many reactions with regards to my plans in life. Some are positive and uplifting but others are negative. I have put in mind that they cannot really be me. So they are not able to direct me where I want to be. I will stick to my ambition. I can go farther by believing in myself. I believe that my dreams would be fulfilled in the future with the help of our Loving God.

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